AgroAnalytics: Take decisions based on sound data

Get to know your real customer thanks to market data analysis.

Analyze critical data generated by your customers – distributor and farmer – and take better decisions that improve the global outcome of your sales channel.

Connect with the real consumer of your product: The Farmer.


Some Examples of Main KPIs to be analyzed.

Analyze Farmer Decisions

Get to know your main consumer, his reaction to price changes, stock availability and purchase projections.

Distributor-to-Farmer Market Overview.

Average order value, order history, demand, supply, etc. Filtered by area, time and any tangible entity

Catalogue Quality and Conversion

Product Visibility, farmer’s interest in products, conversion rates, etc. All parameters analyzed over time, against targets etc. (high / low season

Generic vs Branded

History of generic product average price versus the brand, reaction to marketing campaigns or milestones.

Price reaction history

Historical prices compared to pre-defined manufacturer milestones (plagues, social alarm, marketing campaigns, etc.

Main Conversion Rates

Product’s conversion rate (orders/visits) in distributor platform. Stock filters, highest to lowest, reaction to targets, etc.

Price Curve Evolution

Farmer reaction to price changes. Elasticity curve. Reaction to stock changes, etc.

Proactivity and Sensitivity

Proactive analysis of reaction to price changes, stock availability or market milestones. Market trials.

… and a long list of analytical configurations to help you take your decisions.

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